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Science is a vast and a technical subject that demands a detailed, researched and knowledgeable insight in and out the universe. Hence, the writing strictly demands the precision and relevancy that does not deteriorates the facts and figures involved.

Writing on science genre is definitely not including all the physics, biology or maybe chemistry of the world into the piece in hand. However, it is a systematic subject that builds and organizes knowledge in a way that forms testable explanations and predictions on a certain topic.

It is a global phenomenon that tends to explain and describe how things are as they are or as they seem to be. Hence, it is an evidence based answer to all the questions. Be it an encyclopedia, exploring the galaxy, or revealing future prospects, science answers all that is hidden and demands the attention to find the meanings and purposes of its existence. Usually it is considered that books focusing on science gives an essence of dryness and scientific terminology that goes above and beyond the common human capacity to digest and explore the meaning behind the content. This is not true in majority of cases, a non-fiction science genre includes exciting and fascinating facts and word of mouth that shakes the readers ground in astonishment.

Furthermore, non-fiction science needs to be direct, precise, fact based, objective and completely error free but with knowledge that is both true and thought-provoking, producing chills.

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