Writing on relationships requires great literary accuracy and relevancy. Execution of exciting, intense, romantic or failed relationships requires presence of realism as books are said to leave a positive or negative impact and influence on its readers.
Execution of relationships that are intense, flawed or occasionally happily ever after can leave unintentional adverse effects on the readers. Definitely, it’s not the case that relationships cannot be defined with intensity but the only requirement is not to overly glamorize them, creating a fantasy dream world. Thus, the writer needs to create that balance between overly emphasizing on the intensity of a particular relationship and letting them seek shelter in a covert cover.
Writing non-fiction on relationship holds the writer responsible each character. Hence, the writer needs to make sure that the moral of the book portrays a positive yet practical image. This is because the readers unintentionally replicates what they read, sometimes least concerned to stress upon the practicality of the content. Additionally, a non-fiction book never binds the relations or the characters into one single motion. They let it grow slowly and humbly, engaging the readers in their evolution process. This how the natural process of life is.
Consequently, even writing on a genre of non-fiction relationship requires a constant flow of emotions and sentiments that creates a deep connection with the readers, allowing them to feel the characters and engage in their lives.
Disclaimer: These books do not belong to Professional Ghostwriter, these are provided here just for the reference purpose and belong solely to the author.